Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If it looks and smells like espionage...

So there has been a lot said over this whole "Wikileaks" issue and I thought I would through in my opinion, as worthless as it may be. As a disclaimer, a lot of what I have to say might be because I am reading Romney's "No Apology: The Case for American Greatness". But I'm just gonna put this out there:

I love America.

You know, the great America we had back in the day, the one where we still hunted down socialists and stuff. I loved visiting the old historical sites like Fort McHenry, Independence Hall, the nation's capital and all those monuments, Gettysburg, etc. I love hearing the national anthem play, especially when people sing along and get the words right. I even love to hear this song.

It irks me to no end what has happened with all the leaked confidential material. Sure, I may not like the leaders of our nation right now, but it paints my entire nation in a negative light. And quite frankly, what right does a foreign national have to air our dirty laundry before the world?

And to be honest, part of me wants to shout, "Yeah, so what if we said that? So what if we investigated that? So what if we asked that? We're the freaking United States of America."

It is my opinion that this nation has been spending the last 2 years apologizing to everyone in the world, and it has got to stop. (Side note-- so you know all those pictures of Obama bowing to foreign leaders? Well, maybe you don't if you don't go to the drudgereport.com like me. But anyway, yeah, I don't think it is necessarily him bowing out of deference or anything, but I do find it comical that he keeps making the same motions over and over even after all the stink about it is raised time and time again. But whatever.) I know, it makes other nations feel good about themselves that we put ourselves at their level. But screw them, I say. You talk bad about us when you don't like us, and when you need help, you expect us to come help you. And you know what, we do.

It is like when I lived in Costa Rica and how people would come up to me and say, "You gringos are so terrible, look at your nation's army, it is so big and attacks people and makes war. Costa Rica has no army, we are so peaceful and great because we don't attack anyone." Yeah, because all of the time in US history we are just flying out or planes and sailing our destroyers to attack others, always unprovoked.

Good luck finding that one in the history books.

And why should we care if other nations don't like the way we do business? We do things that will be of benefit to our own nation. Every nation does that. And it can realistically be argued that what we do for our benefit isn't evil or bad, that it isn't to knock down other countries any more than any other country would do the same.

In any case, I read an interesting article today about how the State department is contemplating prosecuting Assange under Espionage Law, but how it might have difficulty doing so because of complications regarding the First Amendment. But isn't this guy Australian or something like that? I don't know everything about the law, as no one really does, but do our Constitutional Amendments even apply to people who are not citizens of this nation? And isn't it dictated that espionage is improperly obtaining intelligence with the intend to distribute or willfully denying the return of said intelligence even after specifically being asked to, much how Assange continued to release the classified documents after he was specifically asked not to by the State department? I'm just saying, yeah, that sounds like a little spy-work to me. Think about this: would people defend the man if it was their own information put out there for everyone to see?


  1. I respectfully disagree.

    From what I've read it's a lot like a newspaper, website, or other media outlet who have received an anonymous tip, reported the story, and refused to name their private source.

  2. Well, I disrespectfully disagree with you and say that you, sir, smell like pea soup.

    All that was only to use that line.
