Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The TNB: TV Weekly Wrap-up

You know, it is hard to wrap up a week of TV when you are only on Tuesday. I guess it will also be some review of last week's shows, too. I watch a pretty hefty chunk of TV, which I was kind of surprised by since, you know, we don't have cable... Can you call it "watching internet"? Anyway, here's a rundown of shows I currently watch and may or may not have a review featured here. And by review, I mostly mean musing.

Mondays: Chuck, Castle, Lie To Me.
Tuesdays: Glee, Running Wilde, Raising Hope
Wednesdays: Modern Family
Thursdays: Community, Outsourced, Nikita, Vampire Diaries.
Friday- Sunday: No TV shows worth watching

Other shows worth noting which are not on air right now: Parks and Recreation, V.

Do me a favor and leave a comment below to tell me which of the reviewed shows you watch. This is going to be quite lengthy and if no one watches a show below, there is no need to review it.

Anyway, let's start this up... of course, last week's stuff is all kind of blurred now...

Of course, with any kind of reviews, there are OBVIOUS SPOILERS BELOW. So if you haven't seen the show yet and don't want it ruined, then don't read.


Best Modern Family in a while. I am kind of tired of the show featuring Jay and his family so much and also spending a nice chunk of time on Mitch and Cam. I mean, it is all funny and stuff, but the STAR of the show is definitely Phil. It was hilarious to see Phil start to question his manliness when he couldn't find the smoke detector which needed to be changed. The best part was when he talked to the guy from Claire's gym and commented about how he burned his Lady Fingers. This was a good episode, reminiscent of season 1.

You know, I love this show. I still laugh quite a bit when I watch it, but it has been kind of drifting lately. And you know what? I don't even know what I mean by that. While it was funny to see them blow the whole "missing pen" thing out of proportion, I was somewhat annoyed by how far it was carried, with even Winger getting sucked into the whole deal. Usually he is the clear-headed one, which is obviously why he is the cool one of the group, but yeah... whatever. Still good. Not "Paintball" good, but still good.

I know lots of people who say that they don't like this show. And by "lots of people" I mean one website. But as for me, I find it quite enjoyable. I don't know what it is, but there is something about this show that I really find fresh. I mean, the premise isn't; it's just another workplace show. Maybe I like it because it isn't trying so much to be politically correct, heavily stereotyping Indians (the real kind) and stuff like that. It just seems to me that there never is a lot of "drama" in it, which is kind of nice. Like stuff happens, the Character A is totally getting a ton of attention from the girl that Character B likes, and B knows it, but doesn't resent A for it. Stuff like that. Like everything is always good and well in India, and you know what, maybe it is. And the main character is genuinely a nice guy and tries to be cool with his employees and they are mostly all cool with him.

Anyway, this last episode was fun. A national holiday in India means no one wants to work, so the boss says he'll cover for them, and then all sorts of hilarity and intrigue ensues. It was more light-hearted fun and easy TV to watch, which is always nice. The humor isn't hidden in double meanings, just easy laughs and that is always good in my book.

My wife hates this show solely based on the name of the show. Go figure. This episode was pretty good, showing a little more interaction and relationship between Michael and Nikita. And everyone loves a good relationship, especially in spy shows (which I love! Spy shows, that is). However, it always bothers me how the show is called Nikita, yet they spend so much time featuring Alex. Not only is she a terribly boring and predictable character, the actress herself just really isn't that believable. ALMOST Michelle Rodriguez quality acting here, and we all know that Michelle Rodriguez is anything BUT quality. Seriously, she is like the worst actress in the world.

Anyway, Micheal having more backstory is great, shows a bit more where he is coming from. It also explains why he sticks with Percy and Division when he was having so many doubts before. And if anything, this episode further cemented Michael's relationship with Division even more. Should be interesting to see where they go from here.

Don't you dare mock, if you know me at all, you know I am a sucker for vampire shows. And besides all the teenage drama (come on, you know you all like Twilight too) the actual vampire story here is pretty good. It was nice to see them bringing Klaus more into this episode, seeing as how he was a big part of the actual novels... well, the 4th novel anyway. Actually he kind of got washed over in the novel, so I guess it is nice for the TV show, they can do pretty much whatever the heck they want with the character. And to be honest, the show has strayed a LOT from where the books went (SPOILER FOR THE BOOK-- Elena died in like the second novel, making Bonnie the main heroine, which I am glad they did not do in the show) The new warlocks in town where pretty predictable. Of course I can see them playing the whole father vs. son good vs. evil angle, especially if Luca or whatever his name was ends up falling for Bonnie. And poor Jeremy, the guy just cannot get a break with the ladies. First his girl is turned into a vampire, then he falls for another vampire only for her to be killed, then he is all moon-eyed for the witch who will probably end up going for the warlock (for better or worse, really). Elena and Stephan are kind of blah... as always, Damon stole the show, showing great character growth as well as kind of getting his own kind of angle and part to play instead of just second fiddle to Stephan for Elena's attention, which, seriously man, she's not worth it. Anyway, his new possible angle with Rose could play out nicely, and it was cool to see the more vampire underground (which, surprisingly is NOT underground). I find it lame that... shoot, what was his name? The lackey for the Originals is who I mean. It is lame he was killed, stake through the heart, but he can come back to life? Um, yeah. Try not to mess up the whole vampire mythology there.

Alright readers, if you made it to here, it is because YOU actually care about Chuck, and frankly, this is the big show for me. Chuck is the first show of the calendar week and the first show I wait for. Without blathering on more about it (seriously, I love Chuck) here we go.

This week was AWESOME. Pun intended, etc. Last week I was left all "who what wha????" when I thought his mom had erased the Intersect. To see that it was only blocked was a relief, with the promise of getting it back. Agent Rye was a nice addition and was interesting to see how he tried to help Chuck get it back through all the dangerous situations. I will admit, at times it was kind of annoying when he got all psychiatristic on Chuck ("Sarah is your rock, Chuck. Why do you call for her in times of trouble?") but it was necessary. To see him killed at the end was a complete shocker.

It was also awesome to see Chuck still trying his hardest to be a spy, even without the intersect. I think, through these 4 seasons, it has been believable to watch Chuck go from a complete nerd who wanted the intersect out of his head, to a willing participant, albeit behind the scenes. Season 3 moved him into a more active role, one where he had to learn how to be a spy, and now in this season he is actually a pretty well-versed spy and can literally do things on his own without his team having to hold his hand. I have very much enjoyed this season and we all know Chuck will get the Intersect back, but how and when it will happen is going to be a surprise.

Summer Glau (geek moment!) was fun to have, especially in the scenes with John Casey (come on, Firefly!). And it was funny, I was saying before the episode began that I was kind of bothered at how minimally they have used the Gretas up to this point, and I thought it was a shame. This time around though, there was quite a bit of Greta involvement, which was awesome. I don't know why they keep getting NEW Gretas rotating through the Buy More, but at least this time, thanks to Jeff and Lester, there was a reason the Greta had to leave. A well done episode, all in all.

Castle is just more light-hearted fun, this time in a crime semi-drama format. I started watching this show purely out of loyalty to Nathan Fillion, star of Firefly. Surprisingly it is excellent. The show is hardly serious in nature, the crime is always solved at the end, and it is almost predictable how it happens. Castle always figures out the key piece of information right at the end due to a somewhat paralleled situation at home with his daughter or mother. But you know what, that doesn't matter. The humor is quite good, the characters are believable and likable, and the will they, won't they between Castle and Beckett is fun to watch, yet gut-wrenching at the same time (see last season's finale). In this episode, the alien abduction thing was obviously not the real answer, but it was funny to see Castle beleaguer the point to Beckett. I knew there would be an explanation in the end that was plain and simple, but it is always a fun ride anyway.

This show is also kind of the same thing over and over, but it is still fun to watch. Lightman always seems to be kind of a jerk in solving his cases, and you know he is always going to get the last word, but it is HOW it plays out that makes the show more fun to watch. Loker is also getting a bit more "real world experience" which is nice to see Lightman finally acknowledge him in a way and at least try to point out that he has real talent there. Loker is by far the most underused character on the show, and it is nice to see him get a bit more of the spotlight. As far as this episode, it was standard fare, Lightman very boisterously pointing out how the man villain is a scumbag.

Man, is Schuester ever going to get over his acting so stupidly and actually get back to being a cool guy like he was in season 1 (first 13 episodes anyway)? I feel like since the second half of season 1, they are just trying to make him be all conflicted and annoying, and really just plain old whiny. The Glee kids themselves were not much of a focus point in this episode, but I did like the Schuester/Mike Chang number they did in Will's dream. And ugh, if I have to have more Kurt-focused Glee, I am going to vomit. His dad is awesome, Kurt is not. This episode seemed to feature Gwyneth Paltrow a but more heavily than they have in episodes passed that were "character" episodes. She was alright, but I just wish they would get back to WMHS story more. And Beist was just awesome how she shut down Sue.

Stupid Fox, stop screwing around with this show like you did with Arrested Development AND Firefly.

Dead Tooth Girl is no longer. Sad too. I wonder if she got a crown or had an endo with internal bleaching? Most likely some kind of crown work... bleaching wouldn't be that effective.

Anyway, pretty funny, not as much as last week's episode, but still solid. I love Burt Chance, and it had me snickering at him going around to his neighbors to tell of his sex-offender charge from years prior. He's gotta be the most interesting character in the show. A solid effort, but not the best yet. But certainly not the worst.



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