Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tuesday Night Blog Revival v3.00

Welcome back... again. For the third time. Seriously, these revival attempts are getting kind of ridiculous. For those of you who are returning customers, you know what this is all about. For those new users out there, you'll soon catch on. As an introduction, here's a little story on how the TNB came to be.

Back when I was in undergrad, I used to work late on Tuesday nights at the library. Things at the reference desk used to get kind of slow, so I would help pass the time by reading the lively opinions section of our university's newspaper (The Daily UniFarce) and forming my own opinions. Naturally I would want to share them with anyone who would listen, so I posted them all to my MySpace page (haha, MySpace... does anyone even use that anymore?) And thus the Tuesday Night Blog was created.

I hope that story wasn't as lame as it seemed.

But seriously, MySpace. I am pretty sure the only users left on MySpace are creepy old people looking to pick up younger kids... and other creepy old people pretending to be the young kids.

Anyway, read and comment as you feel inclined. I am going to TRY and make sure to post a blog once a week, which may or may not actually happen on Tuesdays, but TNB is a brand name that people recognize, so I am going with it. You can expect the content to be based on politics, strange stories, fabricated stories from my own life, board game reviews, movie reviews, TV show reviews, video game reviews and opinions, food, crocheting, etc. Kind of a mixed bag sort of thing. Dig.


  1. Topic Request:

    I'd like to see you crocheting something video game related. That can involve a gaming themed item of clothing (+10 bonus pts for making an entire FF Black Mage costume) or a homemade gaming accessory (that PS3 needs a cozy).

  2. Weeeeeeelllllllllllll... at the risk of coming across how I don't mean to come across, I have been knitting a Sack Boy for Laura. I've been working on it for like... 3 years now. Some day I will finish it. And it will be awesome and totally manly.

  3. Glad to see you are still knitting!!! I should have picked it up when you did. I think I still have thar huge hat you knitted for me some where.
