Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A few pet peeves

So, where I live they are BIG on putting out cards and fliers on your car when you are at the grocery store or places like that. And it annoys me so much. I mean you already get junk mail, telemarketers, junk E-mail, recently I've been getting junk text messages, and now they have to hit the last bastion of solitude, the car.

Some of the time they put a card or flier on your door window or on your door handle. Though annoying, at least it is less so. The ones that REALLY get me going are when they put it on your windshield under the wiper. I mean, who checks the windshield before getting in the car? So you unlock the door, put all your crap on the other seat, sit down, shut the door, get yourself situated, get your seat belt on, start up the car, adjust the radio, and THEN you look up and there is that little [expletive] flier on your window, staring you in the face, mocking your very existence. And it isn't like you can just reach out your window and grab the cussed thing off. No, you have to:

Take off your seat belt.
Open the door.
Get out of the car.
Shut the door ('cause you can't get the right angle on it with the door open).
Use one hand to lift the wiper.
Use other hand to get crappy ad.
Open door again.
Sit down.
Shut door.
Adjust your person.
Continue on your way.

Now, imagine it is wintery weather, then of course you have the added burden of winter clothing.

I swear, one day I will go and collect every single one of those ads off the cars, take it to the business and plaster them all over the windows. And then write a very tastefully worded letter basically telling them their paid advertising scheme was for naught. And maybe end it with one of these guys... :P

1 comment:

  1. I found one on my windshield a few days ago asking if I need to lose 20 pounds. Insulting and annoying people in the parking lot is not the way to attract new customers in my opinion. And I love your idea of payback.
